If we surveyed America, we would discover that somewhere around 80% of Americans say they are Christian. 80%! And yet, only about 25% of Americans will worship at some time this weekend.
What does it meant to say that we are Christian? Does it really mean something … or is it a nice catch phrase?
Most Christian churches would agree that being a Christian means you believe in Christ: as God’s Son, Jesus Christ came to this earth, lived and died for all of humanity. Jesus secured for us an inheritance that is kept in heaven for us. This is a great gift available for everyone. As we deal with many trials and grief in our lives, the promise of this inheritance should give us comfort in knowing something beyond this world exists.
While this awaiting inheritance is wonderful, should the promise of this inheritance affect how we live our lives today? On this earth? You bet. Jesus challenges us to live like Christians on the outside, as well as making sure we are Christians on the inside. We are to be Inside/Outside Christians.
What is an Inside/Outside Christian? Our good friend, Dianne Vielhuber explains…
Reposted with permission
About the Author
Matt Schlueter
Over the last 10 years, Matt has been studying church growth and church website strategies. God placed a mission on his heart to help strengthen and revitalize the Church in America. Thus, Be the Church was born. Outside of this, he's a computer geek, and a graphic & website designer.