About Beth
Hello, my name is Beth Schlueter.
Since I am spearheading this thing called “Be the Church,” I thought you might like to know a little bit about who I am and where I came from.
I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Matt Schlueter, since 1996, and am the proud mother of three amazing kids.
I have a passion for ministry and worship, and feel called to preach and teach with an emphasis on rebuilding and strengthening Christ’s Church in America. After much prayer and several months of being personally coached by author/speaker Kary Oberbrunner, and ultimately joining his Deeper Path Team, I have stepped into this call.
God has been preparing me for this moment for years…
I grew up in the Church with parents who loved and served God using the gifts God gave them. This was normal for me. After my (then future) husband started attending worship with me, I began learning that not everyone has that background. Today I understand that most people don’t have that background, and many people have been wounded by congregations so deeply that they have never returned. This reality and it’s implications for the future weigh heavily on my heart.
I have a love for learning and sharing what I’ve learned. I have certifications and training from various denominations and faith groups. I am certified as an Advanced Lay Speaker with the Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Church, and have completed 2 years of intense course study at the Lay School of Ministry through the South-Central Wisconsin Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. that includes church history, theology, worship, church mission, faith formation, ethics, and both Old and New Testament studies.
I took a rigorous course to become certified as a Stephen Leader for my local church, and have also completed three semesters of theological classwork at University of Northwestern – St. Paul.

Beth with Kary Oberbrunner
I have training through COR Leadership Institute, BMZ Leadership Summit, John Maxwell Mastermind group, Kary Oberbrunner’s Deeper Path Cohort & Deeper Path Team, Marriage Encounter, Weekend to Remember, Reggie McNeal’s ‘Present Future’ Workshop, as well as extensive personal study in many areas of ministry, leadership, spiritual gifts and church growth.
I have organized events, planned and lead worship celebrations, and have taught a number of small groups and classes at local churches. I have been invited to speak at regional leadership conferences, local churches and women’s groups.
I am currently available for church consulting and would love to help your leadership with grasping or creating a vision, helping make your building more guest-friendly, or suggesting alternatives to current routines or traditions to make things more hospitable. If you would like to get in touch to have me speak with your leadership team or congregation, please feel free to contact me today.