Many churches are currently struggling with COVID-19 because members can’t attend worship, small groups, and meetings. You may be worried that they’ll lose connection with your community—or even their faith. Luckily, we can use technology to remain in contact with each other and even worship together.
Worship Together
Remember that you don’t need to meet in person to hold a worship service. Since you have technology, you can find a streaming service to meet with your church members. This way, you can set up sermons and share spiritual insights with others.
By using a live stream, you can still hold your services at specific times and allow people to hear you. This allows you to still meet with your congregation members while they remain in their homes and avoid any unnecessary exposure to COVID-19.
Virtual Visits
Social distancing can be difficult to put in practice, but it’s important to be a prime example of doing so. Remember that social distancing just means that you cannot meet in person, so even if you want to visit your congregation members, you shouldn’t. They look to you as an example.
Instead, do your best to hold virtual visits. Meet with your congregation members by video chatting, calling them or even sending out text messages. This way, you can check in with them while following the rules for social distancing. Find ways to take advantage of technology to check on your congregation members. Some great resources you can use for meeting and worshiping together remotely include Zoom, Facebook Live, and Youtube live streams.
Social Media Posts
You could use this as the perfect opportunity to create or to update your social media page. If you haven’t already, make social media pages for your church. Send invites to your congregation members and encourage them to join. Spend some time looking over social media post ideas to find something that will appeal to your congregation. Think over different posts, scriptures, and stories that you can share. Always seek to uplift and to inspire your congregation so that you can support them through this difficult time.
Even with the COVID-19 quarantine going on, these technological tools can allow you to make sure that everyone still has a way to worship and connect with each other. Give these different ideas a try so that you can take advantage of technology and serve each other. As you do so, you will give others the opportunity to build their faith in God.
If you are having trouble connecting with your congregation, we can help! Contact us to learn more about how we can work together to revitalize your congregation.